Parent & Me – 18months – 2 years
A creative movement class suitable for the child who still needs a little more time before separating from the parent or caregiver. A great way to bond with your little one! Parents or caregivers participate actively in the class as children learn basic dance steps and terminology through songs, stories, and play. This class will build their self-confidence to help them blossom into beautiful dancers. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Tiny Tot Ballet - 2- 3 years
A 45 minute introductory ballet class for your tiny dancer. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Tiny Tot Ballet/Tap – 2-3 years (potty-trained)
A 1 hour class that will introduce ballet and tap to your little tiny tot . This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Tiny Tot Ballet/Tumble – 2-3 years (potty-trained)
A 1 hour class that will introduce ballet and acro to your little tiny tot. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Funky Tots - 3-5 years (potty-trained)
A 30 min class that will introduce hip hop to your little funky tot . This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Preschool Ballet/Tap - -4-5 years
This combination class for preschool age children concentrates on the development of coordination, balance and the teachings of the basic ballet and tap technique suitable for their age and ability level. Although structured, your child will enjoy the fun associated with learning.
Combo Ballet/Tap - Kinder - 5th Grade
A 1 hour combination class designed to introduce ballet and tap terminology and skills through barre, center floor, and across the floor work. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Combo Jazz/Acro - Kinder - 2nd Grade / 3rd Grade & Up / Kinder - 5th Grade
A 1 hour combination class designed to introduce and expand acro and jazz terminology and skills.
Mini Hip Hop - Kinder - 2nd Grade
This class teaches the fundamentals of rhythm, timing, and counting music. Students learn hip hop vocabulary and basic break dancing skills such as: six step, cc’s, freezes, and top rocking. It is a fun, energetic class where the students experience freestyling and self expression. This class will perform at the end of year showcase. Check our dress code for the proper hip hop shoes.
Ballet I - 3rd Grade & Up
A 50 -60 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers ballet terminology, poise and technique through barre, center floor, and across the floor work. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Tap I - 3rd Grade & Up
A 30 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers tap terminology, coordination and technique. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Jazz I - 3rd Grade & Up
A 45 - 50 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers jazz terminology, musicality and technique. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Lyrical I - 3rd Grade & Up
A 50 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers lyrical terminology, musicality and technique. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Ballet II / III– 5th Grade & Up
A 50 -60 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers ballet terminology, poise and technique through barre, center floor, and across the floor work. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Tap II – 5th Grade & Up
A 30 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers tap terminology, coordination and technique. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Jazz II /III - 5th Grade & Up
A 45 - 50 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers jazz terminology, musicality and technique. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Lyrical/Contemporary II / III - 5th Grade & Up
A 50 min class designed to focus on improving a dancers lyrical terminology, musicality and technique. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Hip Hop I or Hip Hop II - Kinder - 2nd Grade / 3rd Grade & Up
A 50 min high energy class filled with a fusion of styles to age appropriate music. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June. Attire - athletic wear and tennis shoes.
Groove Crew- 4th grade & up
A 60 min hip hop class for dancers that love to get groovy! Dancers will perform at area events throughout the year and compete at one dance competition in late Spring. Dancers in this class must be enrolled in Jazz or an additional Hip Hop class. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Pre-Pointe - 4th & up
Pre-pointe class is offered to ballet students who are not yet en pointe to further develop and strengthen the muscles necessary to go en pointe. Pre-pointe classes stress correct alignment and control, and proper classical ballet technique.
The teacher will evaluate each student and will graduate them to "Intro to Pointe" once they are deemed ready to safely begin pointe work. Dancers will perform at the end of year showcase.
*Dancer is encouraged to enroll in at least 1 hour of ballet classes to supplement their pre pointe class.
Intro to Pointe - placed by instructor
A 6 week preparatory course offered twice a year that introduces dancers to pointe work and prepares them to join Pointe I.
In this course dancers will be professionally fitted for pointe shoes, learn how to handle and care for their shoes, and learn the foundations of proper and safe pointe technique.
*Teacher will evaluate if the dancer is ready for Intro to Pointe based on the dancer's technique, strength, and other factors.
**This course is required before joining Pointe I.
Pointe I/II - placed by instructor
Pointe technique is classical ballet performed in pointe shoes, in which a ballet dancer supports all body weight on the tips of fully extended feet and toes. Pointe I/II is a combined level class.
Pointe I is a beginner level, in which dancers will wear pointe shoes at the barre and ballet flats out center and will perform in ballet flats for the end of year showcase.
Pointe II is an intermediate level, in which dancers will wear pointe shoes at the barre and out center and will perform en pointe for the end of year showcase.
*To be eligible for pointe classes, dancers must first complete "Intro to Pointe" and/or receive teacher evaluation and placement. Dancers will be placed in the appropriate pointe level based on their individual strength, technique, and experience.
**Dancer must be enrolled in at least 1 hour of ballet classes to be in pointe classes (2 hours is recommended).
Clogging – 3rd to adults
Fun for ALL ages young and old!! Clogging has become very popular in the South and is a style of dance unique in its style of stomping while keeping the upper body stiff. Clogging shoes have double taps on the front and back of the shoe. Our Clogging Classes are upbeat and have taken on a modern twist! This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Musical Theatre – K-5th Grade
A recreational musical theatre/stage class for ages Kinder to 5th grade. Musical Theatre class will focus on learning proper dance technique while exploring the various dance styles used in Broadway shows. Class curriculum is based on ballet technique layered with Broadway style jazz movement and includes a proper warm-up, stretches, isolations, across-the-floor progressions, and combinations. Emphasis will also be placed on learning performance skills such as connecting with the audience and telling a story through dance and facial expressions. This class will perform in the Year End Showcase in June.
Acro Levels Beg, Int & Int/Adv - Preschool & Up
A 45 – 60 min class designed to combine acrobatics and dance technique through strength and control conditioning and flexibility.
Beginner: No Acro Experience. This class will perform at our end of year Showcase in June.
Intermediate: Bridge required/Forward Roll/Cartwheel
Advanced: Cartwheel/Back Walkover/Front Walkover
MC Dance Company - Dancers ages 4 - 18
Acceptance into MC Company Teams is through summer audition only.
*Age as of Jan. 1 2025*
Munchkins (ages 4-6)
Petites (ages 7-9)
Juniors (ages 9-11)
Teen (ages 12 – 15)
Seniors (ages 16 -18)
Style Variations – Kinder -4th & 5th & up
Kinder -4th: A 30 min class that will rotate between Pom & Jazz Funk each month.
5th & up:A 45 min class that will rotate a variation of Pom & Jazz Funk each month.
** No Recital participation, no recital fee, no costume fee.
SHINE – Ages 5 & up
A Dance/Acro combo class made for special needs dancers. We welcome all kids with different abilities ages 5 & up. Parents are welcome to participate to help their child if needed. This inclusive class integrates dance, music and are for neurodivergent and students with disabilities.